Maine Maple Sunday

We are a little less than 2 weeks away from Race The Runways, so the girls and I set out for 10 miles this morning.   It was a bit chilly (40F) and the forecast was calling for rain.  It drizzled a bit on our run and it was just a raw, bone chilling kind of run.

I came home to homemade waffles and our own Boudreau Maple Syrup.  Today is Maine Maple Sunday - so of course we had to have maple syrup.  Why not have our own?

our trees - we tap 3 of our trees

we actually filled this trash can with sap -
but had to dump most of it out because we didn't boil the sap fast enough
& it went bad in our 80 degree streak this past week

our hillbilly approach to boiling the sap - yep,  we're that cool  

Photo Of The Day #25 - Breakfast.  
Not exactly breakfast - but it is what we topped the waffles with.  
even though we had to dump out a large part of the sap, we still ended up with these
three jars and two smaller ones

And if that yummy breakfast didn't give fill us up, we loaded into the car and headed over to Goranson's.

Because it was raining by the time we got there, it meant a lot less people.  Normally there's a long line waiting to get into the sap house.  Today - we walked right in.  It's fun to go inside and hear about how maple syrup is made.  It's how we learned what to do.  

I'd love to have this kind of set up.  I'm pretty sure Ward can handle this, right?

 Our first stop was to the maple syrup donuts.  Not at all healthy for you, but over-the-top delightful.   Moderation is key.

everybody needs a donut maker like this at home, right?  

of course we had to have the maple syrup glaze on top as well
Then we stopped by the ice cream and maple syrup table, of course.   

Do you see the looks they are giving me?  "Stay away from the ice cream, Mom."  

And we met up with Stacy and her family as well.  

The boys had a blast playing in the bales of hay.  

just had to add this in here - a sure sign of spring

Photo-of-the-day #24 - An Animal
This little darling was at Goranson's today.  I wanted to bring him home with us today.  Ward said no.  I don't understand.  We have a farm.  Why not have a cow?  

Do you enjoy maple syrup?  It's one of the things I love most about spring time in Maine.  


  1. That is so fun! I love that you tap your own trees. I bet the maple syrup is amazing! I love all the pics:)

    1. Nothing like our own sap. I always cry when opening the last jar.

  2. Oh wow, your own maple syrup, very cool! I'm a huge fan of everything maple and always have some local (or as local as I can find) maple syrup around.

    1. Huge fan here....I love to add real maple syrup to my oatmeal and granola. :)

  3. I love that you make your own maple syrup!!

    It looks like you guys had a great time and I LOVE the cow photo, so cute!

    1. Don't you think I need to get a cow??? I need to work on Ward.

  4. How fun! This makes me miss living in the northeast... all the seasonal treats. We used to check out a maple syrup festival in the spring...Yum!

  5. We have a sap house two houses down the road from it!

  6. haha your kiddos with the ice cream are so cute :) I love that you have your own syrup and it looks like so much fun! I would love to have been there with little Logan :D

    1. Still super proud of you and Jamie and your relay!!! :)

  7. I love this post! I feel like I learned how maple syrup was made when I was really little but it's been years since I've thought about that. The cow is too cute!

    1. It's really easier than you think. Just boil, boil, boil....stir....taste! :)

  8. My husband used the same trash can to store our sap :) I wish I had know Goranson's did Maple Sunday...I used to visit that farm with my mom many times a summer. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  9. This is something I have always wanted to get in on... maple syrup season in the East... someday. It looks wonderful and so many activities surround the fun.

  10. What a fun day and yum on all the maple goodies.

  11. I love maple syrup and not the fake stuff from the store either, the real stuff from the tree is so good! I love that look your daughter is giving you with that ice cream. That is a pretty serious look!

  12. Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Sunday! And now, I want to visit Maine in Spring. :)


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