Our Artist

Last night was Tucker's special night - as I mentioned yesterday, one of his drawings was selected to be put on display at a local art gallery.  To celebrate his accomplishment, we took him out for dinner at our most favorite chinese restaurant in Hallowell - Lucky Garden. 

Dad & Barb

Ward & his mom, Kathy

the kids and myself

After dinner, we walked down to the gallery.

We spent quite a bit of time walking around admiring the art.  I absolutely love kid art.  It is full of life and created without restraint.  

Then we spotted Tucker's drawing. 

I also knew that Stacy's son had a piece selected as well, so we went on looking for his.  We looked quite a bit but then I spotted it - right next to Tucker's.  

In talking to one of the curators, she explained that display represnted 22 local schools grades K-8, and only 9 students from each school were selected from each school.  It is quite an accomplishment for all of the children who had a piece of art selected by their art teacher.  I am proud of all these little budding artists. 

And before I forget - Photo Of The Day #17 is Green.  

With temps nearing the 70's today, I was quite happy to slip into these comfy Keens today. 


  1. Congrats again to your son! What an honor and he did a fabulous job!

  2. So cool! Love the picture. My older son has his stuff selected for display every once in a while. It's such a wonderful confidence booster.

    1. I cannot wait for this drawing to come home...I'm thinking I'm going to have to have it framed!

  3. What an accomplishment for Tucker! Way to go!

  4. I'm glad you had a fun celebration!

    Lovely drawing Tucker!

  5. That is so awesome! Way to go Tucker!


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