So, about Saturday.

This weekend is Spartan Fenway.  I'm a tiny bit excited, mostly petrified.  This race is completely outside of my comfort level.  It's really too late to cram in strength training right now.  So, I'm just going to go with it and plan on doing TONS of burpees.

At least I'll be doing the race with my girls.  AND we are going to look freaking awesome in our Spandits.  Yes, that's right ladies and gents, Spandits is coming to Spartan!

photo courtesy of Kevin Morris

We will be wearing our skulls again - since they are absolutely fantastic.  And we originally bought them for Spartan.  Above is our team +1 more awesome lady who is more than ready for this race.

However, I could outfit our entire team with my assortment of Spandits……

which, of course, is going to get larger.  I definitely need more long tights…and more shorts.  Oh and arm warmers, skull caps.  Maybe Santa Ward will be kind to me this year?  ;)  

I've been wearing Spandits since March 2012 (bottom right - Confused Cheetah print).  Every single item I own from Spandits is highly durable and has an amazing feel.  There have been some minor changes over the past couple of years - the Spandits tag is a bit smaller and is on the bottom edge of the article of clothing. 

Also the stitching has changed.  For the best.  I actually didn't realize it the difference until I was asked about it.  The ladies at Spandits have changed the stitching to flatlock stitch - which means the stitching is on the outside of the pants vs the inside.  

Flatlock on the (top) green pants, previous stitching on skulls (bottom)

Yes, you can see the stitching now.  But it's more durable and will hold up to more rigorous wear.   I actually love the boldness of the new stitching (top green pants).  I mean, I wear Spandits to stand out already.  So being a little more bold won't hurt at all.  It actually helps!    Plus, now the inside of my pants are completely smooth and there isn't a seam on the inside.  

Do you want to see what the girls and I going to do on Saturday?  I watched this video a few months back and then watched it again today.  I am super scared about the wall climb and the rope climb.  I think I can handle the rest.  I won't be fast.  And it will hurt.  But we will still have a blast and we will be Spartans!  And I'll get to meet up with Jill.  Finally.  Now the question I have is does one taper for a Spartan?  


  1. wow, you do have a "collec-si-onie" there :-)

  2. If nothing else you gals will be the hottest ladies there ;-) I desperately need new tights. I realized that this morning when the zipper rubbed my ankle raw. Sigh.

  3. Thanks!!!! I love my collection of Spandits!

  4. No doubt. The hottest ladies for sure! ;) Thanks girl!

  5. Wow that's a lot of Spandits! Love them, especially the skulls:) Have fun!

  6. You're so hardcore Jen! and those spandits! I mean WOW!!!! you've got a lot. I really need a pair. Maybe that'll force me to get my ass back in the game. How can you not feel like a badass when you're wearing skull spandits ;)

  7. They make me feel badass immediately. ALL moms need them. I feel like I can conquer the world in them. :)

  8. those Cheetah pants are just awesome. really they all are but the cheetah pants are my favorite. Good luck this weekend I can't wait to read all about it!

  9. Ooo…now I need another pair! I'm so glad they switched the stitching. The chafing I got at the marathon in an unmentionable place is the reason I was walking so funny after. LOL!

  10. Krysten @DarwinianFailNovember 14, 2013 at 10:55 AM

    I love these!!! So cute!!!!

  11. I need some Spandits!!! I'm just so poor, haha. Have a great time this weekend!!

  12. from all of the races you do! BUT YES, you do NEED spandits!!

  13. Yeah, I've gotten a little rubbing but didn't think about it until you said something…..the exterior , flat lock is much better!!! What print will you get now?

  14. the Cheetah are my first love and I will cherish them forever!

  15. It's so hard to choose!

  16. Jen....It's almost here!!! I'll look out for you. I think we go off at 9:15. Petrified too. Whatever the case, at least you have your gal pals with you and that will make it all the more fun!

  17. Jen@PregnantDiabeticNovember 15, 2013 at 6:09 PM

    Those are awesome pants, good luck with the race!

  18. Have a great time! p.s. I'd totally love to rock some spandits!

  19. Congratulations, Georgia77 - you are my winner! Please email me at runningwiththegirls AT with your hair tie choice and mailing address!


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