Night Running

Running at night, alone, scares me.  Honestly, I have a difficult time going down to the barn (on my own property!) in the dark.  I have been known to bring a weapon (like a golf club or bat), one of our dogs, and the big flashlight when I have to go to the barn after dark.  You can imagine that running on our very rural road would completely freak me out.  I wasn’t impressed with today’s weather forecast, so I felt the need to get in a run yesterday.  I didn’t plan ahead, so I didn’t have my clothes with me to get in the run immediately after school, so that left me with only one option, running outstide, in the dark. 

It was a glorious 35 degrees. It may seem cold to you, but compared to the temperatures I’ve been running in, 35 degrees seems spring-like, especially in February! 

I chose my gear carefully.  I wore my white shirt as my top layer – super reflective, and
I borrowed Ward’s reflective vest and head lamp – had to make sure cars could see me!
Then, just in case, I brought my cell phone with me.

I didn’t run far from home.  I did a lot of out & backs close to my house, so that I could always see my house.  Also, I only ran in areas where I was close to a neighbor’s house, just in case.  I am super pumped to report that I did get in 3.4 miles last night with an average pace of 8:16!  Go me!

Night Runner


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