Attune Cereal Review

I was recently given the opportunity to review three cereals from the Uncle Sam Line from Attune Foods.  I was immediately drawn to the slogan "Simple Ingredients.  Simply Made."    When I look for cereals, I try my best to find something that the family will eat and is good for them.  To be honest, sometimes that task is quite difficult.  With these cereals, I am confident that my family is eating a very healthy breakfast or snack.  

Another big bonus was the Non GMO Project Verified Stamp on the side as well.  Definitely have to love a company with this kind of stamp of approval.  

In all honesty, I'm not a cereal kind of girl.  Most of the cereals out there just don't cut it for me.  But the Uncle Sam Strawberry cereal was simply delicious.  I enjoyed it with my almond milk.

And with my Chobani.  

Even Izzy loved it as a snack.  

Ward and Tucker were drawn to to the Honey Almond cereal.  Sorry, no pictures of this.  They ate it in the morning while I was at work.  

Lately, I've been taking the Original to school with me to eat with my yogurt at lunch.  It's quite filling and has some impressive ingredients.  
- Whole Wheat Kernels, Whole Flaxseed, Salt, Barley Malt.  

4 Ingredients in a cereal.  I told you that's impressive.  I love it when I can read the ingredients on the side of a box and can recognize the ingredients and actually pronounce them.  

In addition to adding adding the Original to my Chobani, I've actually used it in my granola as well.  Here is the original recipe. The only modification I made was to add 2 cups of Uncle Sam Original to it.  Delicious.  

Are you a cereal eater?  What do you look for in a cereal?  


  1. Mmm...that's making me hungry. We have been stuck on Cheerios for a while...but I am in need for something better. I was just thinking on the drive home tonight that I wanted to make granola. You ladies are good for my eating habits.

    1. Cheerios is a great standby for sure! Be careful, soon Jill and Stacy will suck you into a Clean Food Challenge! :)

    2. Do it Carrie! You know you want to....

  2. I love a diverse taste and texture in my cereal. Also, it needs to be Chobani compatible!! I love adding delicious cereals to my nightly Chobani treat. Thanks for your review, I'm interested in trying the Uncle Sam now. :)

    1. I would have never noticed it at my grocery store if I hadn't read about it on another blog and hadn't been able to review. I definitely think it's worth it and Chobani approved!

  3. That strawberry cereal sounds interesting. We've been trying some of their other cereals and, like you, I'm thrilled with the ingredient list.

  4. That ingredient list is amazing! I don't usually eat cereal that much but it is nice to have around when you are in a hurry or just want a quick snack!

  5. That cereal looks great! I will have to go check out your recipe!


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