January Streak Winner

Good morning everyone.  I'm and getting ready for the Midwinter Classic 10 Miler this morning.  I have out everything I need for an awesome race a run.  I've been battling a cold for the past couple of days and this morning I woke up with a fever of 103.  Common sense tells me to not go at all; however, I'm stubborn.  I'd rather just go, run it for fun and not race, than not go at all.  It's hard for me to switch gears from racing a race to just running a race - I'm really having quite the mental battle right now.  I'm sure if Ward were awake, he'd say "no, you are not going" but he's a asleep and will probably be asleep until he hears me close the door to leave and Izzy joins him in bed.

I do have to share with you the awesome shirts we go for this year's race.  Stacy went down yesterday to get the bibs and shirts to save us time this morning.  Doesn't that girl rock?

I love this year's shirt.  So, you see, I have to run today so I can wear this shirt!

I am also here to share with you to winner of my January Streak.  She had a 100% shot of winning because she was the only email I received.  I guess we're the only two crazy people out there!

CONGRATULATIONS, Carrie!  I'll be bringing you your goodies when we meet in an hour!

Are you watching the Superbowl tonight?  
We'll definitely be watching tonight - GO Patriots!  


  1. YAY me! Did you notice that I didn't even ask if you were still coming in my email reply? Because I know, short of breaking something, you'd still he coming. Even then, you'd probably do it in a wheelchair! Crazy girl.

  2. I think you are a little crazy for running with that kind of a fever..but I bet I would do the same thing. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Probably not my smartest move, but I didn't push it. Really, I didn't. And I'm quite pleased with my time (1:24) so next year when I am healthy and run it I will crush that time! AND now I am wearing my shirt right now with pride. :) I bet you would do the same...you are hard core like that!

  3. Congrats Carrie and you Jen, take care of yourself! If you start feeling too crappy, then you need to bow out!! (yes totally took on a Mom voice just then)

  4. You are so hardcore. I do love those shirts though ;) and nope, won't be watching the SB but I hope your team wins! hahaha I love the idea of Izzy jumping in the bed with your hubby :P haha

  5. No way would I have been able to go with a fever. Fevers put me right back into baby-like stage where I all want is my bed and my momma. :) Maybe you chased that fever right out of you... I hope you are feeling better today. :)

  6. Congratulations Carrie!

    I hope your race went well!

  7. I hate that you are feeling badly, but at the same time that's the only way I can beat you! :-)


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