Midwinter Classic 10 Miler Recap

Yesterday morning, I rolled out of bed and felt a bit warm.  Staggering to the medicine cabinet, I reached for the thermometer and took my temperature.  103.  Really?  No way.  But I have a race today.  Can't it wait until after the race?  I took some ibuprofen and dayquil and hoped for the best.  I didn't feel horrible, so I decided I was still running the race just not racing the race.  

Jill, Stacy, Carrie and I drove down to Cape Elizabeth together.  We arrived at Cape Elizabeth with plenty of time to make bathroom stop #1.  After that we found Joe and Jess and hung out for a bit and then we went back to the car to get ready. We did have time to squeeze in another bathroom stop (and did not have to resort to peeing behind any trees!).   After that we met up with Sara and walked up to the starting line.  

After this we went out the starting line.  It was about 20F, with a slight breeze and sunny. We haven't had snow in what seems like a long time so the road conditions were great.  There was gravel and dirt on the side of the road from sanding, but that is nothing.  

the absolute BEST cheering crew ever!

Ward & Wade drove down separately with the kids.  I love seeing them at the start of the race!  They are actually standing on a little strip of (dead) grass.  When we got to them there were runners whizzing by them on both sides.  Part of me wanted stop and protect my little girl.  I did not want her to get run over by any runners.  But she had her big brother and cousin there (and uncle) there to protect her!

Jill in pink, Stacy beside her, I'm behind them with black gloves & Sara is in green

 This was the first running this race ever, so today's run was going to be an automatic PR.  That in itself was comforting.   Mile 1 was awesome - downhill.  I just went with it.  Then the hills came and they were never ending.  Sara was complaining about mile 2, but the hills at miles 7-9 were painful.  I thought they were never going to end.  Ever.

Joe coming in #18 overall!   

Jess - her time was 1:18

Carrie cruising in at 1:21

me - coming in at 1:24 

Stacy & Jill coming in at 1:35, smiling and laughing the whole way!

All in all, an awesome race/run.  Everyone came away smiling and we all PR'ed.  

After the race, I felt tired but not horrible.  A bitty foggy.  But not that bad.  It wasn't until around 7pm last night that the fever came back full throttle and completely hit me like a truck.  Yuck.  
Do I regret running yesterday? Absolutely not!   And I cannot wait to run the Midwinter Classic again next year.  


  1. You are inspiring! I would not have run with a fever like that and to PR and be so happy about it all...really inspiring.. love your spirit.. it's contagious

  2. Congratulations! I'm not sure I would have run with a 103 degree temperature, but I'm glad that you had a great time! 10 miles is a fun distance to race!

  3. You are so naughty for running!!! ... but well done :-)

  4. Wow you are a trooper! I would never have run with a fever, BUT every time I have a fever, I feel like crap...so good for you for running the race!
    AND Congratulations on your time!

  5. Awesome race! Great job on the PR- with a fever and all! I have never done a 10 miler- but I have one coming up and this got me all excited for it :).

  6. You must be one crazy chick. :) Way to kick it's butt. I'm so impressed.

  7. Congrats on a great race for all of you!


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