Forced Rest

As a runner, I know rest is important.   I am guilty of not making rest a priority in my life plan.  I streaked for 36 days straight and logged more than 140 miles during that time.   I did take a couple of days off from running at the start of February, but I didn't rest.  Instead, I chose to bike and Jillian Michaels.  Then I caught a cold.  It was just an annoying cold, so I ran the Midwinter Classic.  I honestly felt fine during the entire run.  But the next day, the fever came back with a vengeance and did not let up.  Finally yesterday Ward forced me to go to the dr and guess what?   Pneumonia.

My first question to the doctor - I ran a 10 mile race on Sunday, is that to blame?  He said it wasn't totally to blame.  He explained that to me that having asthma (while it's mild) and having a history of having pneumonia before made me more susceptible to contracting it again. He gave me a 5 day prescription and wished me luck and then told me not to go on my long run with the girls this weekend.  Boo.

While he said the run wasn't to blame, I can't help but think that it probably wasn't the smartest thing for me to have done.  Perhaps I should have just sat that run out.  Next time I'll definitely think twice about a run when I'm sick.

Today the fever is gone, but I am completely wiped out.  I can't even imagine doing any type of exercise right now.   This forced rest isn't for me.  I do not enjoy it one bit.  

On my schedule for the next few days - lots of napping, drinking water, hot tea with honey, some reading and nourishing my body.  

This was my lunch today - vegetable beef soup made by my dad and Barb.  They were so sweet and brought me up a batch today.  They also brought me up a new supply of green tea.  

I don't know why, but I really only enjoy tea when I'm sick.  What about you?  What kinds of things do you enjoy when you are sick?

When you are forced to take a break from running/exercising, how do you deal?  


  1. Oh, Jen, I hope you feel better soon! I totally understand about not wanting to take a break and pushing yourself too far -- I often have a hard time with this...I too, had pneumonia when I was 16, and the day after I was diagnosed went to my dance studio and took 2 classes and taught 2 classes! Needless to say, my lungs took a LONG time to heal after that. Yes, rest, sleep, and nourish yourself!

  2. Jen - Rest and be well, we all do it and then when "whatever" hits us, it knocks us for a loop. Pneumonia is nothing to sneeze (oops pun intended), so rest and you will come back even better. :-) Who know maybe I could keep up with you today ;-)

    1. Harold - you would totally be able to take me today! I've been winded walking into the kitchen. Isn't that pathetic? I am loving your new shoes!

  3. Tea is a must when I'm sick. I like it normally, but don't drink it as much unless I'm sick. I'm sorry you're not feeling well! Rest up and hope you feel better ASAP!

    1. Kristen, Thank you for stopping by! I am resting up and drinking the tea!

  4. I hope you feel better soon!

    I hated forced rest when I had an overuse injury and it was really difficult to watch my husband go out and run! However, rest is essential at times, hopefully when you get back out there you will feel better than ever.

  5. Booo, hope you feel better. Sending lots of warm get well hugs xxx

  6. oh no I am so sorry you are sick! That really stinks. I had a stress fracture in November and had to take 9 weeks off running. It SUCKED!

  7. :( sorry you are sick. I run outside if I feel a head cold coming on, it seems to help it. But if it's a fever/chest/coughing type thing I stay home with tomato soup (with lots of garlic in it... lots of Vit C and garlic has antibiotic properties). Hope you are feeling better soon!

    1. Thank you, Tara! I do love tomato soup and garlic - but I've never tried garlic in my tomato soup. I must do that!

  8. So sorry you have pneumonia! I'm a soup, grilled cheese, and hot honey tea girl when I'm sick.

    1. My go-to-meal when sick is grilled cheese and soup too!!! Feeling better today!

  9. I hope you feel better soon! I guess running a long race in the cold is not the best activity when you are sick. I admire your grit. Crazy how relaxing can be more challenging than a tough workout...

    1. I'm guessing not. Live and learn, right? It's been absolute torture sitting here seeing how gorgeous it's been out there!!! :) Thanks for stopping by, Nichole.

  10. 140 miles in 36 days? WOW! You were on a roll! I hear you- rest is so hard... I'm getting a little better with it the older I get, realizing that it won't ruin my fitness, and I may even be a stronger runner for letting myself recover. Hope you're back at it soon!

    1. I completely agree - rest is very important. My problem is that I am so terribly addicted to running, it's so hard to say no! :) I'll be back soon enough. And I'm sure I'll take plenty of pictures to celebrate my return!

  11. you are so hardcore. I know you'll kick this fast :) I hope you managed to get some rest and are feeling better today!!!!! xoxox

  12. You are completely tough for running that race... I am so sorry you do not fel well. forced rest is often times the only way runner's get rest. I hope that soup works.. it looks wonderful!. Get well soon

    1. Very true. I wouldn't have rested otherwise. :) I'm sure my body needs this break big time!

  13. I hope you are feeling better soon! I am battling the flu right now, since Saturday evening. I haven't been this sick is a loooong time. Ugh. Forced rest is the pits!


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