Jam Packed Weekend

I seriously think I need a day off to recover from this crazy weekend.  I'm completely wiped right now!

Saturday was packed with working at the gym (love this job!) and then a BBQ with my college friends.  I love that we have been getting together for 12 years.  As we caught up with each other about the happenings in our lives - I came to realize how many runners we have in our group.  I really do not think a single one of us ran in college and to see us transforming into runners is absolutely amazing to me.  I love this!  

Sadly, I didn't take many pictures at all - I am a bad blogger

Sunday was a long run with the girls and we had a special guest join us for a bit of it - RTB teammate Andy came down to the trail to join us.  Technically, he was already there running, so I guess we joined him?  He ran with us for about 30 minutes before he had to head out ditched us.  It amazed me that he was showed up because this guy biked 100 miles the day before.  He is badass.   Anyway, I should add that coming into this run, I had taken two days rest because my foot was feeling a bit sore.  Not the entire foot, and not a plantar fasciitis thing - more like the tendon on the side of my left foot.  I felt great Saturday so I thought I was much better.  For the first 7 or 8 miles, I felt great.  Then I started to feel a little sore.  Then by mile 10, it was definitely hurting.  For the rest of the day, my foot, calves, hamstrings and glutes were in some serious pain.

Apparently Izzy didn't think it was an ice bath - but I sure did!

Thankfully, the rest of Sunday was quite relaxing because we went to my inlaws cottage.  The water is still quite cold, so I sat in the pond and called it an ice bath.  Close enough and I think it helped.  I also had Ward massage my foot and legs.  He is the master of massage.    My workout plan for the week - yoga, biking, rolling.    I do not want this to lead to a full blown injury.

loving us some s'mores by the fire

Today I was itching to do some kind of physical activity, so I went biking for an hour on my new bike.    I only stopped once because I had to get a picture of this beautiful lupine hill.  I'm thinking it's pretty early because this hill is normally 100% covered with those gorgeous lupines.  

After that, we headed downtown for a local 5k.  We went down to cheer on my brother-in-law and some friends while I took pictures for Maine Running Photos.  

Wade coming in 3rd overall (AG winner), Ward trying to keep up on the bike -
 after running the Sugarloaf Marathon last Sunday!  

Then we were off to watch the Memorial Day Parade.

Jackson, Tucker, & Izzy with Grammie

and Scoutie & Wade

And then Jill and I thought it would be a fabulous idea to garden.  6 hours later, we have many rows full of seeds for tomatoes, beans, pumpkins, squash, lettuce, kale, spinach, onions and more.   Gardening is tough work!

please grow!

The entire time we were planting, I was praying to the garden gods that everything comes up and we have a kick ass garden.  We'll see!!!  At least we'll have 6 tomato plants - because Stacy was super sweet and brought over her extras for us.  

I am beyond tired right now.  I hope you all had a glorious Memorial Day weekend.


  1. I am so entirely jealous of your garden! The soil around here has been tested and they advise NO ONE to garden :( Again, can't wait to move out to a more rural area!!

    Your weekend sounds just like mine only we were busy at home. I swear it. I am ready for nap! And tomorrow...645 is going to come awfully early!

    1. It's all good - someday you'll get out of the city and have your garden, right??? Thanks for finally posting some menus!

  2. I ADORE the beyond tired packed with fun weekends.

    One here too.
    and I can not not not believe it is already tuesday.

  3. Sounds like a really busy and nice weekend!

    1. Aren't they all? You've had some incredibly busy ones too!!!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! It looks like you had a great weekend as well & crushed your 1st 10k!

  5. So did you sleep at all this weekend?! Bummer about the foot, you're smart to do a week of cross training (lacking/nagging injuries are the worst)! Great pics of the 5K:) Hope your foot feels better quickly and your garden is bountiful! I've already got some lettuce close to being edible and perhaps a radish almost ready to slice into a salad (I have a container garden though) :) See you on the trail.

    1. I slept a lot more than the RTB relay weekend for sure! :)

      It is a bummer but those things happen.... right? It's feeling great today. I may go out for a 3 miler later to assess the situation. You were SOOO good to get things planted early. I meant to but life got in the way. Thankfully the lettuce doesn't take too long. I sure hope it's bountiful. Maybe some day I'll have a little garden stand.

  6. Such a great weekend, I love zooming around visiting and catching up with family and friends, which is basically what the boys & I did this weekend :-) Gardening is cathartic and when things grow its so fulfilling.

  7. we had an active weekend too and i loved it!!

    1. I am incredibly guilty of trying to cram too much into weekends....and I definitely did that this weekend. I guess a dirty house isn't that big of a deal.

  8. This just sounds like a perfect weekend full of fun activities! Hope the garden turns out well!

  9. Great weekend!! I love the lupine picture! When I was younger I would pick the lupine in our backyard and pop all of the flowers off of them. I think this made even more grow! My mom called me the "lupine lady" like the book, "Miss Rumphius" :)

  10. I love lupine! Good luck with the garden! I'm hoping our stuff grows too. :)

    1. Thanks, girl! I really hope it grows. What did you plant?

  11. I nominated you for a One Lovely Blog Award!

  12. Jen! I missed you. Sorry I'm the worst blogger ;) so don't worry about your pics ;P I LOVE LUPINES! I have yet to visit Maine but have been all over the east coast of Canada right above it - one thing I remember loving on those drives were the fields of lupines. So pretty.

  13. That sounds both exhausting and completely satisfying! Long runs, spectating a 5k, gardening, friends, bbq, some of my favorite things! Hope your leg/foot is okay-- biking and taking it easy sounds smart.

  14. That is an awesomely large garden space! I hope the leg behaves!

  15. Sounds like a fun weekend! Good luck with that garden.


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