Meet The Team

As you know, my Friday and Saturday will be consumed by a 200 mile, 2-day relay race otherwise known as Reach The Beach.  My friend, Sarah, also our team captain, assures me that this kind of thing is fun.   We shall see.

Of course I'll be taking tons of pictures before, during and after the race that I'll be sharing with you after the race.

In the meantime, I'd like to introduce the team to you.

Team Need For Speed! 

Sarah and Rudley

Aka Captn Fancypants and Mr. Fancypants. Sarah has bounced back like a crazy lady. Sarah was on a RTB team last spring but couldn't run due to an injury. However, she had the necessary surgery and listened to her doctors and here she is! Ready to take on RTB with her incredible husband! 


Hey look, I'm putting Eric first!  He is Andy's twin but was the 2nd born and has been trying to catch up since.  Today, he's first. ( Just because I'm married to a twin that was born 2nd.  I feel for you Eric! So, back to Eric - he and his brother are in the midst of training for the inaugural IronMan NYC this August.  Check out his blog here.


Andy would be Eric's twin.  Andy will be in van #2 with me.  I am quite grateful for Andy being in the van because he stepped up to the plate and took the longest "leg" - coming in at 22.47 miles.   Isn't he awesome?  I mean, this will just be great training for that IronMan he is doing in August, right?  Oh, and I do believe he does have a 1/2 IronMan coming up in just two weeks.  He's got this!  He shares the blog with his brother.  You definitely should check them out.  The both of these guys are hilarious.  Especially the latest post. 


From Emily's blog "Hi! I’m Emily! I recently graduated from Northwestern University and I’m currently on the job hunt. I love running, albeit slowly, especially half marathons! I also love cooking and eating! I’m a big fan of cheese and FRO YO and broccoli and salad. Also cookies and peanut butter and truffles. I’m a big fan of the Middle East and Africa and passionate about social justice and global health equity. (Check out!!) If you’re reading, leave a comment! Or come run with me! or eat! Or cook!" I can't wait to meet her on Friday. Check out her blog over here


From Christy's blog "I'm a runner. I started running right around the time I started this blog and have since run several half marathons, a couple of marathons and a number of shorter distance races."  She has one super busy week - she has had two graduations, is coming up from NY for the relay and then rushing off to DC for Monday.  Oh to be young again!  Check out her fun blog over at Twenty Five Before Twenty Five


Only the bestest friend anyone could have.  This amazing woman started running just a little over 2 years ago.  She has taken on the 1/2 marathon challenge like a champ and is so ready for this relay this weekend.   I would be horrible if I didn't mention that she is the proud momma to three incredible kids and the wife to a local race car driver.


"I have been addicted to what I thought was distance running for a long time. I ran my first half marathon April 2011 just days after my son was born. After the half marathon I vowed I would never run a full marathon. Two to three weeks later I started training for my first marathon. I ran the Maine Marathon in October 2011 and I am totally hooked. I am planning on running a second marathon this fall and if that goes well a 50K in December." - John   

"I also really enjoy drinking craft beer and I actually worked for a brewery and distributor during college. In January of this year I started a beer running club called Pioneer Beer Runners." - John


It is a year of firsts for Carrie who blogs at Maine Mom on the Run.  She recently completed her first half marathon and will run in her first full this fall. While relays are nothing new to this former
track athlete, a 200-mile 24-hour relay is. She'll be sporting her trademark compression sleeves and running skirts in this year's Reach the Beach: MA as runner #11.


Gia of RUNgiaRUN is a marathon runner, twin mom and running coach in New York City. She has run 5 marathons, but this is her first foray into the wild world of relays.  Always looking for the next adventure, Gia is most excited for: wearing matching outfits while obnoxiously cheering on my fellow teammates. The inner cheerleader in me thinks we should have megaphones … too much? Biggest fear: getting caught snoring in a van full of strangers!  You can also follow her on twitter @rungiarun. 


Jill, At Life with Scout, is "freaking out" about running her first relay race.  While she has run numerous 5Ks, 10Ks, and half marathons, running  200 miles in 24 hours as part of a relay team, is a scary proposition.  Perhaps, even more frightening than running will be returning to her home after being away from her son, Jackson, daughter, Scoutzilla, and husband, Wade, for more than 24 hours! Yikes!  Does anyone have some Prozac?  


And then there's me.  Who is quite nervous about this new adventure.  I guess I better get packing for this thing!

Wish us luck! 


  1. SO excited for you! What a great team. Can't wait to hear all about your adventure!

  2. Looks like a winning team!! So excited for you all:) Best of luck and may the wind be always at your back!!

  3. Yea, Team Need for Speed! Can't wait to read all about your adventure. Good luck to all!

  4. So cool!!!! I've heard about this race to the beach and it sounds like so much fun. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  5. Great time! Have loads of fun and can't wait to hear all about it! :)

    1. and by time, I mean *team. Coffee hasn't kicked in yet ;)

  6. Sounds like an amazing team! Sending you lots of luck and good vibes.

  7. Have a great time at your relay! Good luck to all of you!

  8. So fun! Good luck and have the best time!! :)

  9. Have a great time. It looks like you have an amazing team to share the journey with!

  10. Looks like a great group of people! You are all going to have so much fun! Good luck :)

  11. Best wishes for a fun and safe relay. What an awesome adventure!!

  12. That is a ROCK STAR line up.... can't wait to follow along with all the fun!

  13. Amazing. I can hardly wait to read all about it Jen, it sounds so exciting and fun.


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