Adding a touch of yoga

I've been thinking that my routine was missing something.  I just wasn't sure what.  I know that cross-training is important for runners mostly because the constant pounding on the road just wreaks havoc on the body.  To help out with the aches and pains from regular running, and because of an IT band injury last August, I see a chiropractor on a monthly basis.  I look forward to the adjustments and feel incredible after each appointment.  But I know I needed something else.  Biking?  When it gets warmer and when I actually get the tire fixed on my bike, I'll consider doing more.  But the locking bike shoes/pedals that Ward insisted I get for my bike really freak me out.  I've fallen off that bike more times than I care to admit right now.  Perhaps I'll be a better biker this season.  I sure hope so.  

Then last night I received an email from Terry, one of the founders of Yoga to Run.  She and her friend, Jen, are starting a 16-week program aimed at helping 5k-10k runners complete a marathon.  Yoga is the perfect cross-training activity for me to add into my routine.   And better yet? It's free (to a limited amount of participants).  If you are interested, please go to Terry & Jen's blog and check it out.  It would even be better if you lived in the Brunswick/Portland areas as that's where they will have the yoga classes.  

I am most confident that by adding yoga into my routine, I will become a better runner and will kick some ass in the Maine Marathon this October!  


  1. I'm so glad this is going to work out for you! I may be joining you, but I haven't decided about October yet.

  2. I know how you feel about the clips! It took me a good long while to get used to them. And now I love them. Yoga is a great cross training tool. I need to make more time in my schedule for a more structured yoga time. Right now it's just poses at the end of my workouts.


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