Thank you mystery runner!

Yesterday was our group run.  I absolutely love our group runs and look forward to them every week.   However, yesterday's run kicked my butt, big time.  The cold I had all week reared it's ugly head yesterday morning.  Needless to say, I went to bed very early last night, along with taking some medicine.

This morning, I woke up feeling like a different, and much healthier human being.  So, I ventured out to redo that 7 miles from yesterday.  With a clearer and head and chest and a gorgeous blue sky, the run was perfect.  I was taking it easy for the first 3.5 miles.  Then I saw this woman come running toward me in the opposite direction and I was impressed with her pace.  Something inside of me clicked and I turned around (I was turn at that point anyway - it was just meant to be, I think) and I ran behind her.  I decreased my pace from 8:30/8:45 to 7:45/8:00 while tailing her.  She was the motivation I needed!  I stayed behind her until she turned around and headed back toward Hallowell.  I finished my 7 miles this morning in 58 minutes.


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