The beginning of vacation week…


I’m not going to lie.  One of the reasons why I’m a teacher is the vacation time.  With any luck, April break has beautiful weather and makes me long for summer.  I started off my vacation with a much needed 8 mile run on the rail trail.  It was gorgeous weather.  Saturday morning I met the girls on the rail trail for a 9 mile run.  While it was a bit chilly in the beginning, it was still a great run!  After the Race the Runways ½ at the beginning of April, we’ve dropped our mileage back to allow for some injury healing and we’re going to increase our long runs again in prepping for the next ½ at the end of June.  The beauty of the half marathon at the end of June is that it is going to be held on the rail trail, the exact location of most of our long runs. 

After the run yesterday, Ward and I took the kids to Bailey & Orrs Island with his mother and grandmother.  While it was quite windy, it was still nice to get out and do something. 

Ward & Tucker looking for sea glass & other treasures

Izzy with her crazy, wind-swept hair

peaking through the Cribstone Bridge

another peaking shot

photo shoot under the bridge, I think Izzy was a little freaked out

This morning, we woke up to a horrible rainstorm.  The weather channel reported some areas getting winds from 40 to 60 mph.  This report made me a bit nervous because the last time we had gusts like that, the barn roof flew off!   

last February

Thankfully we knew someone (Ward and Wade) who could fix it. 

I took advantage of the rainy weather and went shopping, by myself.  What did I go?  Target, of course.  Once the rain cleared up, the sun came out, so I went for another run. 

Looking ahead at the week, I see a lot of running (hopefully) and some fun relaxing days with the kids.  Izzy will go to daycare a few days, mostly so I can get the runs in and spend some quality time with Tucker.  I think he’s in need of mommy time or at least I know I am in need of some Tucker time. 

Chicken update:  Last Saturday I did get 6 grown hens.  I chose 2 Rhode Island Reds and 4 Americauna-like hens.  I say Americauna-like, because they kind of look like the pictures I’ve seen online, but not exactly.  Unfortunately, one of the Americauna-like ones did die this week, I'm not really sure why. We’ve been keeping them separate from “my girls” this week.  They haven’t been laying a lot of eggs, but I need to give them time to adjust to their new home.  Here are the eggs they’ve given me this week:   2 green ones, 1 blue one, and a brown one.  I love the variety. 


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