
Half marathon #5 is this Saturday.  Not only is it #5, it is my 2nd half for 2012 and I have at least 3 more planned for this year.  I think I'm becoming a half marathon junkie.  If only there were more 1/2s in Maine.

I've been obsessing about whether or not to run with my camelbak or not.  Mostly, annoying the crap out of Stacy and Ward.  Sorry guys!

Thinking back to the previous 4 half marathons - I've run 2 with and 2 without.  My first half was the Maine Half Marathon in 2010 and the goal of the race was only about completion and I don't even think I owned a camelbak at that point.

three married couples & we all ran the half

The next half was the Inaugural Race the Runways half last April.

photo courtesy of Maine Running Photos

I definitely remember running with the camelbak.  It didn't bother me at all.  No rubbing or chaffing and I had access to water/gu whenever I wanted.

The next half I ran was the Kennebec River Rail Trail half last June.  I did not bring the camelbak for this one.

I think my hat is popping of my head here...what the hell?

I suck at drinking from a cup and running.  When we came to water stops, I had to walk and drink.  Which isn't a bad thing, I guess, but it annoyed me.  It was also not a great race because I thought it would be a good idea to try a different type of Gu during the race - one with caffeine in it.  Bad, bad decision.   However, I did actually PR at this one with a 1:49:09.  But I felt like complete shit in the race and for the rest of the day.

Next up was my spur-of-the-moment winning entry into the Midcoast Half last month.  I opted to run with the camelbak for this one.

rocking the hills here

Again, I walked away feeling great and had access to my water/gu whenever I felt the need.

As I type this, I'm getting the feeling that I should just run with the camelbak.  BUT, then I have a minor little "fashion" problem.   You see, Saturday is my 1st race as a Team Tough Chik girl.   The issue is that the camelback will cover this awesome backside.

So, this is my plan (I think).  I'm going to just run with the camelbak.  I want to feel good in the race and for the rest of the day.  That really is most important to me at this point.   Fortunately the course comes back toward the hangar & I can definitely toss my bag at Ward around mile 10.  I know I can definitely survive the last 3.1 miles without water/fuel.  This is where I get a bit on the vain side - I want to be seen crossing the finish line - with This Is What Tough Looks Like on my backside.  Am I terrible or what?

Also, I thought I was going to be wearing this awesome skirt.

But now that I look at the temperatures for Saturday - I'm seeing 36 degrees at the start with a windchill of 27.  Hmmm......  even on super awesome days in Brunswick, the wind can be friggin' nuts on the base.  More on outfit selections tomorrow.  I need to rethink this.

So, what do you think?  Do I run with the camelbak?  Should I toss it around mile 10?  Would you toss your bag for the sake of great running photos and to not cover up an awesome shirt?


  1. First, you need not apologize about hounding me with silly things like running. Ummm, that is what we do on a daily basis. Seond, you know my thoughts...run with it until you see Ward and the gang at mile 10. You are NOT vain...it is a rockin' shirt!

    1. Yes it is a rockin' shirt. Now I'm thinking will the arm sleeves be enough? Can't it just be in the 40s to make my life easier? Yes, the weather should revolve around me. Ha!

    2. and yes- I know that is what we do daily - but maybe I could talk about something else once in a while? :) Like gardening or chickens? I need a life.

    3. Ummm, talk about something different? Hmmmm, how about the fact that 20 people will be at my house tomorrow for dinner and I am sitting on the couch? Yes, I need to motivate myself to get up off my ass! Gardening, do you have your seeds yet? Get seed potatoes from Knights or Enterpise. Chickens, I feel as though I cheated on my girls when I bought a dozen white eggs for the kids to decorate this weekend. There, now we can talk about running tomorrow. LOL! xoxo

  2. Hmmm, I'm running RTR on Saturday too, except it will be my 1st half. I would put feeling good over looking good, but I like the compromise of tossing the bag to Ward at mile 10. I'd probably go with that. I'm REALLY hoping the winds aren't bad on Saturday, I truly hate running in windy conditions more than anything! I'd run in -10 degrees over running in the wind. ***sigh*** hopefully this will end well:)

    1. Tara - you are ready for this! Enjoy your 1st half. That's what is most important. Thanks! I just spoke to Ward and he thinks I should ditch the bag too. Let's hope this windy weather ends before Saturday! :)

  3. You guys are going to do great! I would be there but I'll be enjoying some Maniacs basketball at Bates instead. You can wear my skirt with the capris attached (same pattern) if you want!

    1. Enjoy the basketball game! Thank you for the offer. I am thinking that I can just wear my knee high socks and all will be well.

  4. I think I'm going to go no Camelbak (mostly because I'm not used to it) and there is nothing that is going to stop me from wearing that outfit!!! I think it will be warm enough with sleeves...that's what I'm telling myself. No matter what, we are going to kick some ass!!!!!

  5. Ah, the everlasting battle of form/function vs. fashion! Tough choice, but seems like the camelback should be a go. Love the skirt, but brrr on those temps. We're getting some cooler weather now too and I'm actually stoked because the thought of my duathlon in 90° weather wasn't really appealing to me.

    1. 90 doesn't sound good for a race at all! Best of luck to you!

  6. Tough call. I'd say probably go with the Camelbak and pitch it at mile 10. Seems like a win win. :)
    Good luck this weekend! Wish I was going to be there!!

  7. Nothing to add except you look great! I love all the cute running outfits you sport :D

  8. Im SO not a runner---but I do love me an awesome shirt.
    there is that :-)

    1. But you are SOOO much more fit than I am! :)

      Race outfits are becoming too much of an obsession for me. I have a problem.

  9. i love the internal debate you have going on :) i think youve already figured out what you want to do, and i support the wear it til 10 and cross the finish line for a great photo idea :)
    too bad youre not coming to great bay... high of 60 :)

  10. Replies
    1. I have internal debates all of the time. My head a very scary place to be. I'm positive my students think I'm nuts.

      I am so jealous of 60s!!! Thank you so much and best of luck and enjoy.

  11. Having the option to toss your camelbak is great! Best of both worlds. Since it seems to work for you, I'd wear it. But the shirt is awesome, and you should definitely wear it proudly:) GOOD LUCK!

    1. Thank you! I am thinking that the plan will work. (I hope!) Normally I wouldn't think about tossing something in a race because with my luck it would be gone when I got back, but I definitely don't have a problem throwing something at my husband! :)

  12. Oh lots of luck! So exciting. My first half was March 2010, 2nd was Oct 2010 & 3rd this past March. I can't wait to do another one but we don't have many in this area unfortunately. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

    1. Thank you, Heather. I've noticed that there are more and more half marathons starting in my area - hopefully more will come to you too!

  13. I run with a waterbelt... it gives me access to gu and water without having to do the "drink-from-a-cup-and-run" dance. It works out for me, but I've been thinking of trying the camel on some longer, ultra runs. I would look at tossing it at 10. You want to race strong and you can always grab before/after photos without it. Run Strong!

    1. Thanks!!! I've never tried a waterbelt before. Does it bounce around and bother you? I enjoy the handsfree piece of camelbak. I think you'd like it for the long runs and ultras.
      Thanks and I plan on running as strong as possible!

  14. Now I'm thinking about running with mine at the end of this month...
    Yes, run with it...
    Yes, toss it...

    Now I need a kick ass shirt for my half...
    Thinking the back will read something like this:
    Yesterday, I did a Tough Mudder while you were resting.


  15. Go with what you are used to. I always run any run over 5 miles with a handheld water bottle, so now I race with it. It just "feels right".

    Have a great race!

  16. I have worn my water to nearly every marathon I have run yet I am questioning wearing it for Boston next week. I think second guessing yourself is normal but in the end I am going to wear mine. And 36 at the start, I would definitely wear the skirt. And yes, I am one who would ditch the belt for nice pictures. :)


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