Headsweats Review

I was recently given the opportunity to review the Supervisor from Headsweats

I really enjoy running with a hat.  In the spring and fall, I can get away with running with my hat.  This is perfect for keeping the sun and sweat out of my eyes.  I’ve tried running in sunglasses and either I am challenged in choosing the right running sunglasses or sunglasses are just aren’t for me.  I always seem to find glasses that fog up which is incredibly annoying.  Then there’s the problem of what to do with said glasses when they annoy me.  Do I just toss them on the side of the road? Put them on the top of my head and have them slip around.  No thank you. 

This is why I love wearing a hat but my head gets way too hot to always wear a hat.  In comes the Supervisor.  For me, it’s the perfect option.  I have protection from the sun, something to soak up the sweat and there’s this big hole on the top of my head to allow for tons of ventilation and no overheating. 

A little bit about the Supervisor:
- Eventure elastic band for fast moisture transfer and comfortable fit
- COOLMAX fabric shell
- COOLMAX fabric terry headband to keep perspiration out of your eyes
- Ultra-light comfort weighing in less than 1.3 oz

Initially I was worried that the band was not adjustable.  I wasn’t sure how it would work for me.  Would it be too lose? Too tight? 

Of course I had to go for a run to find out. 

The visor fit me perfectly.  Absolutely no slipping, zero sweating and my eyes were protected.  It wasn't too tight or too loose - amazing!   I’ve since worn my new Headsweats Supervisor for several runs and it feels great.  

And what's even better is that it is Scoutie approved!  

Disclaimer - I was sent the Headsweats Supervisor Headband in exchange for a review.  All opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own.  


  1. They look great! I'll have to check them out.

    1. I forgot to mention, they are quite affordable as well! I hope you do check them out!

  2. Are they all open on the top? My "blonde" head burns easily, so I like being covered, but I love the idea of the headband for sweat!

    1. Yes - the visors are open, but Headsweats does have a great line of caps to wear too that are very meshy to allow for quite a bit of ventilation.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm so happy you do! What have you worn from them? I'm thinking about getting a new hat now. Since I do love the visor, I'm sure I'll love the hat.

  4. I like! I keep thinking I want to try a visor, I just haven't yet.

    1. I had always wanted to try a visor and now I am in love. I hope you get the chance and love it too!

  5. Love Headsweats! I wear them for every run!

    1. Did you get the Tough Chik visor too? I think Shannon said the visor was a headsweats visor. I just ordered one because she said she had more. I hope I love that one as much as I love this one!

  6. hmmm, I may have to check this out, I have YET to find a head band that works and my hats are too hot for the summer. Can I find these in stores or only online?

    1. I haven't seen then in stores anywhere. Sorry! Would you like to try mine on sometime to see how it feels?

  7. Cool! I love running with a visor. Not too hot and keeps the sun out of my eyes.

    1. That's what I love about the visor!!! I never thought I would like them but man they are great!

  8. I wore one of these visors for my last half and I was really pleased with it. I'll definitely be wearing it a lot this summer!


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