Making Changes....
I am obsessed with running shoes. Hmmm...shocker. I know. It's really the first thing I notice about runners. Their shoes. Next....since they are attached to the shoes....legs. Specifically the muscles. Like RunEmz's legs. Awesome. If you don't follow this rockstar on instagram , you are missing out. (I want her abs too by the way) I've also been quite inspired and impressed with Jody , who at the age of 56, is a freaking power house and her legs look amazing. I've been slow to come around to this, but I'm getting there. I want powerful looking legs. I want more definition. So..... I'm going to do something about it. I AM doing something about it. not really revealing of my time I'll wear shorts! I started focusing more, consistently, about 2 weeks. Doing lunges and squats, as I have been doing, on top of leg curls and leg presses at the gym. ...