Running Inside and Outside

I know it's technically not winter yet, but the weather is sure here!  Actually it feels more like brutal January running.  I've been doing a lot more running on the treadmill because I'm really not digging the bitter cold.  

Saturday I toughed out 10 miles on the treadmill.   Some people think treadmill running is cheating, but man oh man, I think it's tougher, mentally, at least.  And thankfully my sister-in-law was only two treadmills down from me for 6.84 miles of my run.  So I talked her ear off the entire time.  She was probably sick of me.  But it helped the time go by.  When she left, I put in my Koss Fitbuds and cranked out the last few miles.  

And what makes that 10 miles even better is that I ran it in 1:26, at an easy pace and was pain free.  My goal for the Mid Winter Classic 10 miler is to run it at a sub 1:19.  Which means, I have a little less than 2 months to get in some speed work.  Speedwork is on!  

On Sunday, New England was pummeled with a bit of snow.  We ended up with over a foot.  I had a fabulous day snowed in with the kids, making holiday treats, and cleaning up around the house.  I even decided it was time to get my winter gear out for the season.  Yes.  It took me a bit to get these things out, but at least they are ready to go!  

Ward built an incredible bench a few years ago and we each have our own cubby.  I love our cubby system and it's where I leave most of my running gear so I can just grab it on the way out the door.  I had to take a few items out that are mostly warm weather items to make room for my numerous gloves and hats.  One can never have too many of these winter things!  

I was planning on doing some miles earlier in the day, but got caught up in the holiday treat making and then just wanted to chill and be lazy with the kids.  Then Ward came home and convinced me to run a couple of moonlit miles with him.  It was pretty cold, but the moon was gorgeous and the company was great!  

Today I had some time after school so I hit the treadmill again.  I wanted to do some speed work today and that I did!  I did a little treadmill pyramid workout.  

1 mile @ 7.0 mph
1 mile @ 7.5 mph
1/4 mile @ 8 mph
1/2 mile @ 7.5 mph
1/4 mile @ 8 mph
1 mile @ 7.5 mph 
1 mile @ 7 mph

Total: 5 miles in 40:41 (8:08 pace!)

Next speed work day will focus on hills.  Oh yes.  There are hills on the Midwinter Classic course!

How's your training so far?  Any goals you are working toward?  


  1. I LOVE those skull pants! My training is just getting started. Looking forward to my Spring marathon!

  2. You are so going to kick my ass... or just motivate me to a big PR! Great pic of the two of you. xo

  3. Ha…that's funny. You, who doesn't run as much, then goes and kicks ass says this? I'm working hard because of you right now dear!!!

  4. Nice!!! Best of luck with the marathon training!

  5. Been doing too much time on the treadmill lately, that old I can do it outside all the time attitude just wasn't ready for below zero temps in December, the snow is not a big deal, but the combo is ungh! Plus Sidney, doesn't plow well and there is a lot of white ice on most of the road. At least we are running, just not getting the fun of the outside :-) Good luck in your training and an 6% incline will get your attention. :-)

  6. I agree with you on the treadmill running - mental toughness is needed. I always try to remember that if i have to do a long treadmill run, it's mental training just as much as it is physical. Great job on the speedwork!

  7. I agree....give me 10 miles outside over treadmill anytime! I feel like the mill is so much harder!!! I am making my way through December running but not a ton. I'm saving up my energy so that in January it is ON...going for a PR in March with some nasty hills!! I have been feeling like a bad New Englander lately that I haven't gotten out in the cold much yet!!


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