Ice Storm!

Yuck!  Right now we're in the middle of an Ice Storm.  Personally, I'd rather have feet of snow than dealing with this.  Not much I can really do about it and it's not the end of the world.  All I can do is be safe, keep my family safe, and be prepared.  

So, let's see.... if and when we lose power, we're ready.  
  • I made a huge pot of ham and potato chowder yesterday and cooked it on the wood stove.  
  • I filled 5, 5 gallon buckets with water and have them sitting by the toilets.  We have a private well, so no electricity means no running water.  It might be overkill, but I'm ready!  
  • I have 3 gallons of water that I always have on hand for emergencies.  Then I bought 4 more gallons & then went on to fill every single water bottle we have in the house.  At least we'll have plenty of water!  
  • And we have the wood stove to keep us warm.  

More rain is coming and the temps are going to drop even more...we're at 28F right now.  Oh and the wind is picking up.  Awesome.  

But at least it's pretty!

And I had zero desire to run outside today. So, I picked Jill up and went to the gym this morning. I ran 6 miles, rowed for 10 minutes. I call it a great day. In preparation for today, and the possibility of the gym being closed, I went to the gym last night and got in 3 miles and 5 minutes of rowing. Not too shabby.

Sorry for the blurry selfie.  I got in a quick one before running off to the shower.  I didn't want to be stuck smelling like this without power.  Gross!


  1. It was 65 degrees on my run today in central PA.:) Whacky December weather.

  2. Very whacky!!!! We had -13 last week and 40 the week before. Oh well!!! My dad was going to leave yesterday for Harrisburg but didn't. I bet he's regretting it now. Poor guy being stuck up here in another ice storm! Did you run on the TM today for your long run?

  3. No it was not that bad out and only a lite rain so sucked it up and got 10 miles in.

  4. Hope you are surviving the ice storm! We just had another snowstorm pass through over the weekend and have the most snow we have had in quite awhile. Sounds like you are ready for the storm!

  5. Stay warm and safe. Sounds like you are prepared:) Merry Christmas!


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