22 Miles - The Good, The Bad & The Odd

Yesterday my pal Carrie @ Maine Mom on the Run took off for a 22 mile adventure.  As you know, you never know what you are going to get with a run.  Sometimes they are great, sometimes they just suck, and sometimes it's a mix.  Yesterday was a mix for sure.

- I got to run with Carrie!

- At some point we saw Jill and got to run with her for a bit!

- Ward made us scones.

- I tried out my marathon skirt from Spandits!  Success!

- My Mezamashii Mushas felt incredible on my feet.

- I didn't have any bowel movements at all!  Huge success.  Maybe I figured out my issues?  Or maybe I was lucky today.  Who knows.

- I forgot to charge my Garmin.  When I woke up and saw it laying on the counter, uncharged and with 20% battery, I knew for sure it wasn't going to get us far.  No biggie.  I knew the course so I just pulled out an old cheapo Target sports watch from the basket.  Apparently it had been in there for a long time - gross!

- Somehow I lost the chest strap to my Camelbak.  I've emailed Camelbak about a replacement but haven't heard back yet.  Until I hear something, I thought I would just use Ward's.  Makes sense right?  Nope.  I earned myself my first ouchie chaffing this morning.  

- 100% humidity.  Enough said.   We were praying for rain the entire time.  We were only fortunate enough to get a few sprinkles.  However only an hour or so later, there were torrential downpours.  I guess we were lucky.

- Poor Carrie got sick - so will the first 18 miles of our run ROCKED, the last were a bit on the rocky side.  Poor girl.  I felt so bad.

-Ward's Camelbak turned my white tank yellow.  Gross!  I washed it once and the yellow is still there.  I'm thankful I checked it out before tossing it in the dryer.  I'm going to do a load of whites tomorrow and bleach the crap out of it.

The ODD 
- When we got back to my house, my car was gone, door wide open and Pepper was sitting on the steps with her tennis ball.  ???   I went inside and called for everyone but nothing - well, there were scones (yay!) and then I found the note, Ward had taken the kids to play soccer....at least he remembered the kids, but forgot to shut the door.  Thank goodness Pepper is amazing!

22 miles DONE


  1. **BOWS IN AWE**
    you ran and rocked TWENTY TWO more miles than I did this weekend :-)

    and I gots no scones either!

  2. That's amazing! My German Shepherd would probably still be in the house if the door was left open but my puggle would be LONG GONE.

  3. so freakin' stoked you love the Mushas as much as I do!!!!

  4. Cute skirt! That sucks about the camelbak burn. I made Aaron cart mine around yesterday. I've worn it with a tank before, but for some reason it was rubbing my arm flab. Dang thing. Glad you made it all 22 miles with quiet bowels! That makes a world of difference.

  5. Wahoo! Great job, girl! Love the skirt too! :)

  6. Way to rock out a long run! Ouch on the chaffing. Chaffing is no joke. So did you try having rice by the way? We still haven't solved my hubby's issue.

  7. Congrats!!! 22.0 is a great number and you will rock your marathon.

  8. 22 miles and looking cute! Love the skirt!! I think I need to try those Mushas. You're ready.

  9. I think that pretty much sums it up! Thanks for dealing with my issues! I am still in awe of our overall pace. We really must have been cruising the first 18.

  10. Congrats on nailing the 22 miler! Your skirt is so cute- glad to hear it was comfy, too. What a treat to come home to a quiet house, that's my favorite way to end a long run. :)

  11. Way to rock the run and the cute skirt!

  12. Great job on the 22 miler! I'm sorry that Carrie got sick :(

    I love that Ward made you scones, but haha that's funny about not shutting the door. I'm glad that Pepper was alright!

  13. Awesome job ladies! Good Pepper!

  14. I LOVE long runs because you cover so much ground and so much can happen during/in them! Way to rock it!

  15. Awesome run and great skirt!

  16. Wow, amazing run! Sorry to hear that Carrie got sick. That's too bad. That chafing looks like it hurts. Thank goodness Pepper stayed put.

  17. Very inspiring!!! I could only dream of running 22 miles, maybe someday...
    Great job!

  18. Way to go on the run!!! And isn't it amazing all the things that go into the long runs like that. That chafe looks OUCH!

  19. Great job, Jen! Sorry about the ouchie chafing. :( I would have freaked out about the house door being left open. My dog wouldn't have been nearly as good as Pepper.

  20. Congratulations! Hope you start to feel better soon. :) Does that skirt have shorts inside it?


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