A Bit of a Kink in the Marathon Training Plan (and a winner too)

This is my last week of summer and week #11 of marathon training and guess what - I have a fever.  Yep.  I know how to live it up.  Today is day 4 of said fever and I'm not impressed.  It's not a high fever at all - it's hovering in the 100F range - but my entire body is weak, I have green snot, my head is completely stuffed up.  You get the picture.  I hate this!

I am the picture of beauty in the morning

This summer cold can suck it.  Really, at this point, I don't care about the marathon training.  Well, I do, but it's my last week of summer.   My kid's last week with me to have fun and I'm sick.  Poor guys.  

Marathon training was going awesome until Sunday.  I went out for a 5 mile recovery run and about a mile into it, I wasn't feel very good.  So I turned around at the 1.5 mile mark.  When I paused to turn around, I thought my heart was going to burst.  Hmm....that's not a good sign.  I trudged along at a who knows/who really cares pace until I saw Shoe Junkie Seth and his little boy walking along the trail.  I stopped a moment to talk to them and then decided to do a walk/jog back to the car.  That was the hardest 3 miles I've had in a long time.

Later that day I was feeling rather hot and dizzy, so I went through the medicine basket and found the thermometer and took my temperature.  102F!  Oh jeez.  That kind of temperature is definitely going to put a kink into things.  

When I told Ward, his response was - "no running until it's gone."  I said "fine, then I'll bike".  His response "no".  I hate it when he's right.  I'm not going to mess with this fever.  Last time I ignored a fever, I ended up on some rather heavy drugs laying on the couch for a week with pneumonia.

Here's my training schedule:

Yes, I am high tech like that.   I'm thinking this week is a wash.  If the fever goes away, I'll probably have a few easy, random runs - just to get back into it.  Then just shift this week to next week.  I don't want to miss out on the 20+ (I was hoping for 22) miler.

What I really want is for this illness to be gone for Sunday.  Ward and I have planned a fun day to take the ferry out to Isleboro with our bikes and to bike around there for the day without the kids.   This is our belated anniversary date.  Please go away cold/fever!!!!

On a positive note... Congratulations goes out to:

As my winner for the Sprigs Banjees!  Carrie is one of my running buddies and blogs over at Maine Mom on the Run.  


  1. Yay for me! Boo for you. I'm sorry you feel so cruddy and hope you feel better soon. Please take care of yourself ...

    1. Taking care of myself. Eating healthy. Resting. No running. No biking. BUT I did take the kids to the zoo yesterday. & I was wiped out after that. Jeez! This sucks.

  2. Oh, I HATE being sick. Its the worst. Unfortunately the more you train, the longer it tends to stick around...at least sometimes. Take care of yourself!!

    1. I typically don't get sick - but when I do - it hangs out for a while. Ugh!!!! Thanks. I am resting. It's hard, but I'm doing it.

  3. Oh no!!! Take good care of yourself!

  4. I hate being sick, yuck. I love reading about people resting when they are sick as it helps others to realize that they can do it too. Take care, your training will be fine once life gets back to normal.

    1. I keep telling myself that I'm going to be a stronger faster runner after all of this resting. Please tell me I'm right!

  5. Feel better quickly and hopefully you and Ward will be at Bond Brook Thursday :-)

    1. Oh I'll be there tonight but as a photographer. 101F this morning again. I hate this!

  6. Oh no - feel better. Even a slight fever makes me feel like total crud. Rest up!!

    1. These are the worst! It's just lingering and lingering. Go away fever!

  7. Summer colds ARE the worst, but it sounds like you are playing it smart! Hope you feel better soon and can enjoy your date with hubby ;)

    1. Thanks! What a way to spend my last week before school starts. Fun. :)

  8. Ugh, being sick is awful. I'm glad to hear you're not injured though... at least a fever clears up relatively quickly. Hope your back out there soon!!

    1. I know - I am THANKFUL I'm not injured! I'll be back there soon.....

  9. Aww I'm sorry you are sick, I hope you get better soon so that you can enjoy the last little bit of summer!

    Congratulations to Carrie!

    1. Oh I'm still enjoying summer - just at a slower pace. :)

  10. Poep .... its never nice to be sick with a training plan on the go but you know what you need to do so stick with it and do it. My kids favourite thing to do at the moment (besides watching videos that is!!) is to go to the skate park :-)
    Feel better soon xx

  11. Being sick is no bueno for sure!!! I love that picture though, made me laugh first thing this morning!

  12. Here's hoping you feel better soon! I'm getting that starting-to-feel-sick thing too but trying to kill it off until AFTER Sunday! Have a great weekend with Ward! Yay to Carrie! She is one lucky chick, seems like she wins everything! lol

    1. Not everything...but I'm one number away from winning $1,000,000 in the Shaw's game...if anyone has a #4 piece I'll split the winnings.

    2. Ohhh I hope your sickness stays away for you! Enjoy your TRI you're going to rock it!

  13. It will all turn out fine - your body just says "give me a little extra rest and then we can carry on rocking like we do!" :)

  14. Hope you feel better, Jen! Good for you for resting. I don't mess with fevers either!


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