Liebster Award!

I was tagged by a Sweat Pink Ambassador sister a few days ago - Tabitha from Cup Cakes Run.   The Liebstar award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  I know I have a few more than that - but I thought I'd still play along so I can tag some of my other sisters and keep the game going. 
Liebster is a German word that means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome. 

Rules for receiving this award:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Then answer the questions the tagger sent for them, plus create 11 questions for the people they’ve tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Notify the people you have tagged.
5. No tag backs.
11 Things about ME
1.  I am LOVING the garden right now.  Jill and I have lots of corn, tomatoes, and spaghetti squash, and edamame coming our way.  I love walking out there and checking out the progress.  I'm also really enjoying eating up the wax and green beans right now. 

2.  In a few weeks I will be starting a new job.  I took a leap and accepted a new job at a local high school teaching Special Education Math.  The position is made for me.  I love math and really enjoy older kids and the school is 2.5 miles from my house.  Now I'll be teaching in the city we're raising our family, my commute just dropped from a 52 mile round trip to a 5 mile round trip = an extra hour in my day. 

this is the track at my new job - I have a feeling
 I'll be spending a lot of time here

3.  While summer is my favorite season, it is not my favorite season to run in.  These days I've been dreaming about cooler temps. We always want what we can't have right?  Because I know that when it's -10F, I'll be wishing for warmer weather. 

4.  Ward and I took the kids to a new beach the other day.  If we'd like to visit again, we'll need a lighter car or a 4-wheel drive because our beast of a Volvo got stuck and Ward had to shovel the car out while I pushed (ha that's funny) and we lost this HUGE plastic piece from the bottom of the car.  I don't think it's really that important.  The car is still running.  I think we're good. 

5.  I am a crazy chicken lady.  These girls are starting to lay eggs and I am telling them daily how much I love them.  I have problems. 

6.  Speaking of chickens.  We have (almost) a full freezer of chicken from our meat birds.  Raising our own chickens free range and knowing exactly what they were fed makes me feel quite pleased knowing what I'm feeding my family.  Last year we raised 12 birds, this year 25, next year 52. I hope. 

7.  My in-laws house is under contract and will be closing next month.  Their plan is to build a house on the lot across the street from us, which means we'll be getting some house guests for a few months.  This is going to be one heck of an adventure. 

8.  I weigh about 20 pounds less than I did in high school.  I know it's not only about weight, so I should add that I am far more fit than I was in high school or college.  I didn't even know that the gym at UMF had a pool. 

Joe, Jessie, Carrie, Stacy, Jill and Wade
(thank goodness for cell phones!)

9.  Today I did not run Beach to Beacon.  Instead, Ward and I got up at the crack of dawn, dropped the kids off at my in-laws, and still drove down to Cape Elizabeth, walked 2.5 miles into the lighthouse to cheer on our friends and family and then trekked back the 2.5 miles to our car.  You know what?  I loved it!  This is a fun race to spectate.  I only wish my camera battery didn't die just after the first place elite runner ran past us.   

10.  It drives me absolutely batty when people smoke on the rail trail. 

11.   The girls and I have a girls night coming up - which means some more Blood Orange Margaritas. 

My 11 Answers

1. What's your biggest accomplishment?
My kids.  Those little people who are a perfect mix of Ward and I make my world go round.  Of course, Ward does too. 
2. What food do you ALWAYS have on hand in your fridge or pantry?
Portland Pie Pizza Dough - it's actually in the freezer and it's always the beer dough. Everytime I go to Hannaford and they have it in stock, I buy what they have and then bring it home and toss in the freezer.  This is by far my most favorite pizza dough. 
3. What's your guilty pleasure?
Lately, it seems as though PB Chocolate ice cream.  I cannot get enough of it!
4. What song do you have on your iPod that you are ashamed to admit?
Poison - Nothing But A Good Time and Talk Dirty To Me.  
5. What's your dream job?
Own a gym
6. What's your dream race?
Boston Marathon - some day.  Maybe when I'm 70, but I'm going to run it. 
7. What is your favorite thing to cook?
Pizza.  The possibilities are endless when it comes to pizza - eggplant, mushroom, tomato, bacon, pepperoni, spinach, olives......  I am getting hungry!
8. When you vacation, what's your favorite thing to do?
Spend time by the water. 
9. Over the next 3 months, what are you most looking forward to?
Starting a new job.
10. Favorite season? Why?
Summer.  I'm a teacher.  Enough said. 
11. Birthday or Christmas? Why?
Birthday.  It's only 2 months after Christmas and if I didn't get it for Christmas, I am surely going to get it for myself for my birthday.  Plus, it always makes me remember my mom and miss her even more. 

11 Questions for my tagged friends

1.  What is your favorite Olympic event? 
2.  Have you lost a toenail?  Do you just leave it or paint over it? 
3.  Running skirt or shorts? 
4.  What is your favorite pizza combination?  (Yes, I'm still on the pizza kick)
5.  Do you write a menu for the week?  What meals do you have on the menu this week?  (I'm losing steam and need ideas.)
6.  What are you training for right now? 
7.  Running shoes - what do you look for in a running shoe?  Do you have a favorite brand? 
8. Dream race? 
9. Do you like to run the same race year after year or do you like to try new races? 
10.  Do you listen to music on your runs?  What are some of your favorite tunes? 
11.   If you had your own garden, what would you grow in it?

Okay - TAG!
1. Carrie @ Maine Mom on the Run  
2. Michelle @ Average Girl Doing Average Things   
3. Jamie @Couch to Ironwoman
4. Jolene @ Journey of a Canuck Mom on the Run 
5. Danielle @ Breathe Just Breathe
6. Kristin @ Shore To Run  
7. Louise @  Runners Ramblings
8. Abby @ Back At Square Zero  
9. Elle @ Eat Run Sail
10. Megan @ Crafty English Teacher  
11.  Mindy @ Road Runner Girl


  1. I don't think I got to say congrats on the new job yet, but CONGRATS! That's exciting. And yum- we're enjoying all the summer garden produce too. One of the best perks of summer time!

    1. I keep thinking about what else I'm going to plant next year. It's a long, long list. :) And thank you! I am so excited about my new job!

  2. Being a teacher too, how can we NOT enjoy the summer! The heat has been horrible though. Congrats and good luck on your new teaching position. Enjoyed reading your post.

  3. Great post as usual! And thanks for the tag! :)

  4. Wow that is a lot of bird. You have a garden, raise chickens, raise children, run a lot and have a job... I am tired just reading all that. Awesome, jen! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Blood Orange Margaritas! I'm in.

    Fun read and I loved learning so much more about you... I am playing today. Thanks for tagging me.

  6. Congratulations on the new job! You guys had a big group of meat chickens this year. Hope you have even more next year!

  7. Yay for your new job! What a difference that shorter commute will make.

  8. These tagging things must be going around. I love learning new things about my blogger buds. Thanks for sharing!


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