Bringing the Run Indoors, May in Review & Goals

100% rain, downpours, 49F.  Yuck.  I know, I know.  What happened to the woman who toughed out the -12F runs this winter & who ran her only (to date) marathon in the pouring rain?  She's still here.   Trust me, she is.  (by the way the rain is still coming down by the bucketfull & I am dreading going down to the barn to feed the chickens)

To be honest, I've been fighting a cold all week so when I saw the forecast I wasn't all too pleased.   I was still going to run outside but wasn't going to be thrilled about it. But then Jill, being the smarter one, suggested we run at the gym.  Hmm....well, that's a novel idea.  Why didn't I think of that?  I DO work there.  A few twitter convos, texts, and a phone call and we were all set.  Stacy was taking today off and Jess was going to run later - which meant that Jill, Carrie and I were heading to the gym for 11 miles.

What?  11 miles on the treadmill?  I've never done mileage like that on the treadmill and I wasn't sure I could handle it.  Lately the furthest mileage I've done was 7 miles and that was dreadfully boring.  BUT, the plus side to today's run- great company, tvs, a/c, fans and indoor plumbing.

All in all, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I also found enjoyment in pushing the bar in the end.  I'd notice that Carrie would increase her speed, then I'd do it, then a few seconds later, I'd hear "bitches" & Jill was increasing hers.  We played this little game for the last two miles.  We also played the game of "where would we be on the trail today if we were out there?"  It definitely helped with visualizing how much we had left to run.  I know, the machine is telling me, but to me running is such a visual/sensory thing.

My visual for 11 mile - Carrie & my reflection in the mirror -
I was definitely checking out my form the entire time

We did it!

On a side note, my foot is feeling great!  Three days of biking, then a 3 miler, then 5.5 miles, rest rest day, and 11 miles today.  I think I'm getting there.  Good thing - I'm supposed to building my base before marathon training kicks off on 6/11!

Now that we're 6 months into the year, I decided to look at my numbers.

+ the 11 miles from today.... making June 17 so far 

Miles run in May:  110 
Miles biked in May: 89

Miles run so far in 2012:  582 
Miles biked so far in 2012: 327

Not a bad 5 months.  I know the mileage is going to increase with marathon training from now until MDI on October 14th.  I'm just curious as to what my mileage will be for the year.  Will I break 1200 this year?  I'm thinking YES!!!

My goals for June - 
- kick off marathon training injury free (plan coming soon!)
- add in hills/speed work
- register for/run the KRRT 1/2 Marathon (if it isn't capped out yet!)  - I better get on that!
- do yoga on my own 2x/week
- increase bike mileage
- roll daily (so far I'm 100% on this!) - thank you Body Wrench!  review coming soon

And, as I finish this up, Ward and the guys are heading out for their ride.  (and the rain is still coming down pretty hard) - Jeez, they are making me look bad.  Ha!


  1. They are boys! Boys aren't all icky about the rain like we are!! You are doing amazing! I can't wait until December is here so I can start hitting the gym again :D

    1. You wouldn't believe it - those guys went mountain biking on the trails & came back muddier than ever! & they had a blast. December will be here before long!!!

  2. You are right; I am the smarter one!

  3. I think I might sign up for that 1/2 too! I hadn't thought about it being full.... crap. I'll look into that later tonight. I want to join you tough chiks!

    1. Yeah - I have to check it out tonight too!!! It either caps out at 150 or 200 runners....I can't remember. We'd love for you to join us!

  4. I can run in the snow and cold easier than the horrid rain we had yesterday. Awesome mileage you've got racking up!

    1. The rain is horrid isn't it? I know! I'll take snow and ice over this crud. :( It seems like it's going to last for days too. Grrrrr.....

  5. Great mileage and good job getting today's done on the 'mill!

  6. Holla for treadmill runs!! ;) Glad your foot is feeling better!!

    1. Today I am thankful for the treadmill for sure - going to do your hill workout shortly on one! :)

  7. WOW. you had me at 5 months into the year too.
    can you even believe it?

    1. It's crazy! The year is flying by for sure. Enjoy your treadmill!

  8. Totally impressed by doing that type of mileage on a treadmill! You rock!!

  9. Ugh, treadmill running is such a mental game. I think the biggest factor is what you mention - the fact that running is so visual. I will say that if I can change the channel, I'm a little better off. But my gym won't let you change them. Boooo

    1. We can change the channel by the treadmill I was on was at an awkward angle to the I just watched my form and chatted it up!

  10. Holy Crapballs that's a lots of mileage for the dreadmill. I love that you have a group of girls to run with and push each other. really is June isn't it...eek!

    1. I really do havea fantastic group of women - we have gotten each other through a lot. Treadmill included!

  11. Amazing mileage on the treadmill! You're lucky to have a good group to run with! I usually avoid the rain and skip my run. Bad, I know!

    1. It's just not fun to run in the rain. If it's warmer out there, I have no problem getting wet - but downpours and 50F - gross!

  12. oh my goodness! i can't imagine running 11 miles on the TM... good for you! you just reminded me.. since my marathon is in October.. training starts soon too! ACK! I'm glad your foot is feeling better. :)

  13. I would rather wimp out if it is raining a lot too.
    I keep trying to convince my husband we need chickens but he grew up with a lot of them and HATES them so I haven't convinced him to say the least.

    Great news that your foot is feeling better!

  14. That is a looong treadmill run. I had to do a few of those over the winter when we lived in upstate NY, but thankfully can run outside year round here (except it's becoming ridiculously hot in TX!) Having friends along would make a huge difference, nice work!

  15. Great job on the treadmill!! I couldn't do that, that is way too long for me. I really can't stand the treadmill at all!

    You are doing great this year, keep up the good work :)

  16. Wow! Awesome mileage! I too need to start including some hill/speed work!

  17. Wow great mileage so far! That's amazing!

  18. Great job with your mileage so far! Glad your foot is doing better!


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