A Winning Kind of Day at the Gym

I've been working part time at the gym for a little over a month now and I am loving it.   Win!

When I run at the gym, I get to stare at myself in this mirror & admire my muscles and
critique my form or watch TV (which is to the side of the mirror) .  At least I have options.

I got there bright and early so I could squeeze in a run before the gym "officially" opened.   My plan called for 3-4 miles today and I was able to get in 4 miles.  Win!

After my run, I drank a Premier Protein drink.   I actually won a selection of Premier Protein bars and drinks on twitter a little while ago.  The shipment came earlier this week and I'm just starting to try them out.  I chose the vanilla today.  Yum!  A fabulous win here.  I sure hope the chocolate drink and bars I got are just as yummy.  

And then I ate the Coconut Cream Pie Larabar which I won (a 16 bar variety pack) from Angela at Happy Fit Mama.  I did bring along the Blueberry Muffin because I just couldn't decide which one I wanted.  Maybe the Blueberry Muffin will win tomorrow.  

I did bring my Body Wrench along for a field trip today.  I wanted to roll out my glutes, calves, and hamstrings and do some ab work.  Thank you Body Wrench for helping me with those and being so darn portable.  I didn't win the Body Wrench, but I definitely feel like a winner for getting the opportunity to receive it for a review.  

I did some weights as well - focusing on my back, shoulders, arms.   Sorry, no picture of this.  I feel weird asking one of the members to take a picture of me lifting and I haven't figured out how to hold the camera and lift at the same time.  Maybe I need to bring the tripod with me.  Weight workout = another win.  

Then I met some pretty cool people.  Yes, in the gym I work at in the small town of Farmingdale, Maine, in walks a  WWE Superstar  and a WWE Diva .  I guess you never know who you'll meet.  

Brodus Clay

I am not a wrestling fan at all and had no idea who these fine folks were.  I wouldn't have even known that they were part of the WWE if Naomi hadn't told me when she came in and asked for a day pass.  


No, this is not what Naomi wore during her workout.   She was definitely hot stuff during her workout and after it.  Both were really nice and super easy to talk to.  I was telling them how impressed I was with what they were lifting and their workout (like they've never heard that before, I know, I'm SOOO original) and I told them I was "only" a runner.  Naomi was so sweet and said that I looked good.  I'm going to take that as a huge compliment, especially from a diva like her!  (hence, another win)  Pretty gosh darn cool, huh?

How was your Saturday?  


  1. Too cool! Love to see famous people in small towns. Makes them seem more real.

  2. Definitely sounds like a great day!

    1. It was a nice day! Even took the kids shopping for Ward for fathers day and bought them some things. :)

  3. Wow, my Saturday wasn't nearly as exciting as yours! I did manage to get a 6 mile run in this morning (with 6 hill sprints at the end). I had a great breakfast sandwich and biscotti at Water St Cafe, but then I went home and took a nap because I've had NO CAFFEINE for 8 days and can't understand how people function without it! Other than that, I did almost nothing. Tomorrow will be better, 8 miles, beach, and a bike ride:)

    1. Don't you just LOVE Water St. Cafe? It does sound like you've had a great day as well - minus the coffee thing. Seriously? No caffeine? I wouldn't be able to survive! Enjoy your Sunday!

  4. Sounds like a mighty fine Saturday!! :)

  5. great job with going to the gym! I have been hitting the treadmill a lot lately myself!

  6. One of the nice things about working at a gym is the ability to work out before or after hours. We have a couple famous people at my small fitness center, a US Senator and a former Miss Olympia (2 separate people in case you wondered :-)).

  7. Woo-hoo! Awesome prizes- I just won bars and drinks from Premier Protein on twitter, too- haven't gotten them yet. Glad to hear they're tasty! And I've been curious to try the Body Wrench. Do you recommend it?
    I would have had no idea who the wrestlers were either, but I love that you got their pictures!

  8. What a great day at the gym! I am hoping to get my premier protein stuff soon too:)

  9. Sounds like a really cool Saturday! Hope you had an equally good Father's day with your family. xo

  10. Exciting day! I love larabars, so yummy!

  11. That Coconut Cream Pie larabar looks delicious! Must try that. And the body wrench...hmmm...my rumble roller looks tame in comparison!

  12. Very neat that you got to meet them! The Coconut Cream Pie Larabar was the first flavor I tried but then I had Cherry Pie and fell in love.


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