Running Naked

There was a time I would turn around and go home if I forgot my beloved Garmin.  But I have found that I've been so focused on what the Garmin says for a pace, that I'm not listening to my body.  I tried my first "naked" run earlier this week and I loved it!  So, I did it again later on in the week.  Again, loved it.  Today, I went out for an easy, recovery 3 miles with the husband on the rail trail and left the Garmin at home again.  Yes, folks.  3 days without the Garmin.  It feels so liberating! 

I don't need it for mileage because I did run on the rail trail and it is well marked for mileage (every 1/4 mile), so I'm good there.  I admit, I do glance at the clock on the car dash just before walking away from the car and I check out the time again when I return, but that's it.  No minute to minute obsession of my pace.  

Tucker was at swim lessons at the time, so it was just Ward, Izzy, Pepper, and myself.

Ward wanted to run a little further, so he ran home from the rail trail today (an additional 3.5 miles).  Good thing he did because he found my cell phone about a half mile from the house on the side of the road.  I know you are all curious as to how my cell phone got there. When I returned from the run, I was looking through my bag and the car for my phone.  It was no where. Ugh!  Since we don't have a landline, this is my only phone.  I grabbed Ward's and started calling it and doing the walk around the house/yard/search.  Nothing.  I kept calling and calling and then someone answered it - Ward!  My hero!  I must have put my phone on the top of the car before we left and then just drove off.  Despite some additional scratches, it's all good and I didn't have to make any emergency trips  to the cell phone store. 

How was your Saturday?  Do you run naked?


  1. I have always wanted to run without my Garmin but I think I have separation anxiety when it's not with me on a run :( One day I day!

  2. Hahah! I love it! The *few* times I've been able to pull away from my Garmin, you're right, it was very liberating! I need to try it more often. :)

    1. Sometimes the run calls for stepping away from the Garmin, sometimes not!

  3. I like to run tech-naked sometimes too (I tend to obsess about pace too)! How funny (and weird) is it that Ward just happened to decide to run home and you just happened to call your cell when he was around it! Phew!!!

    1. Actually, I don't think he heard it when he was running, just happened to look down and think to himself "hmm...a cell phone, oh look I'm calling it" (because his number was on the screen!). I know - phew!

  4. When I run, I have to run with music. It keeps me distracted and my mind focused on something other than running!

  5. I always walk with my cellphone so I can listen to music (or have in an emergency). I just got a Garmin, so I am really enjoying using it.

  6. Glad you got your phone back! We flagged down a woman once who was driving with her purse on top of her car!

    I hardly EVER go out without my watch... but that is usually all I take along.

  7. Thank goodness you found your phone and it's ok. I left that and my credit card sitting on top of Allan's car at the gas station yesterday but luckily I missed both before driving off so no harm done!

  8. I love running naked! Make sure I do it at least once a week...getting too tied to the garmin is unhealthy. What a lucky break re: your phone! Mine died in May when I took a trip through a slip'n'slide during Bolder Boulder 10K, and it was a painful few days before I could get a replacement!

  9. Yay for naked running! I do love those runs. :)
    Glad you found your phone. I am lost when I forget my phone somewhere...

  10. I love to ditch the garmin every once in awhile too. Usually if something is achy or it is hot... the absence of the garmin really makes me tune in to my body.

  11. I try to run "naked" at least once a week. I just go out there and do what feels good and I guess at the mileage. I need the occasional run like that.

    Glad you found the phone. I once did that with my gas cap and then had to drive the rest of a long trip with a plastic bag rubberbanded over the opening to the gas tank. Now I never set anything on top of the car unless I set my keeps up there too.

  12. Lol not me I just bought myself a garmin!


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