I GLOW + giveaway

Running at night scares used to terrify me.  But, it all comes down to if I want to run I had to get over this fear.  Running in the darkness is my only option if I plan on running Monday through Friday since it’s dark before school and getting dark when I leave school and it’s going to be this way until mid February/March.  I supposed option B would be to rejoin the gym, but I really don’t want to spend the $$ and I don’t really enjoy the treadmill anymore.  So, outside it is!

I’ve put a lot of thought into what I need to feel safe to run at night.  First and foremost, I needed some new gear to help me out, which lead me to RoadID for some help in this area. This company is fantastic.  It was founded by Michael and Edward Wimmer, a father/son owned company.  Read the story here

Last fall, I had purchased my own ShoeID.  I like the simplicity of it and that ease of putting it on any pair of shoes (with laces) as I head out the door.  There is some great comfort knowing that I will be identified if something were to happen while I was out on a run and my husband would be notified.  Since the company’s focus is on athlete safey, I was hoping I would find what I was looking for and I found the RoadID’s Firefly High Visibility line. 

When I first started running at night, all I had was a headlamp, white shirt, and Ward’s vest.  I hated the vest because all it seemed to do was twist and turn the entire time I ran.  Very annoying and quite a distraction.  I didn’t feel very reflective so I would stay very close to the house with my runs – I had a .4 mile back and forth thing going in front of my house.  If I could still see my house, then I felt I was fine.  Sorta safe, but incredibly boring.   

Since Scott hooked me up with some great new gear: Firefly Supernova, Firefly Belt, and Firefly Ankle, I have a new and safer look for running in the dark. All of this gear is easy to use and lightweight.  I chose the red flashing light for my head, the belt for my waist, and the ankle straps for my feet area.  It is important to me to have reflective gear spread out on my body to increase reflectivity. 

One thing I did do was put the Supernova on the strap to the headlamp I already own.  That way I have the headlamp in the front and a red flashing light on the back.  

Ward actually saw a headlight very similar to this one online & it cost $100 - here you can do it for under $30 - cheapo Target headlamp (the head is adjustable and has a red light as well) and the supernova on the back.  

I usually pair my new Firefly gear with a hat (either a white reflective hat or beanie) because it helps with keeping the headlamp in place, and a white shirt.  If I owned white running pants, then I would feel way better, but I don’t think that is going to happen anytime soon.  In addition, I have been bringing my cell phone with me.  I have been putting it in the iPod arm strap I bought a few years back.  It’s perfect for holding my phone and adds another sense of safety when I head out on my runs. 

ignore the boots in the background 

I’ve been going a bit further in my runs, and I’m still feeling good.  I’ve even challenged myself and have run through the dark wooded sections.  Remember, I don’t live in town.  I have dark back roads to contend with and zero street lights. 

wow, another shoe mess!  someone better clean those up.  

Here are some important facts about the gear I have been using:

The Firefly Supernova
-       visible over 1 mile
-       rugged construction
-       Lifetime LED bulb
-       Long-lasting battery pack (included)
-       250 hours of battery life in “flashing” mode
-       Extremely bright light
-       Weighs less than 1 oz.
-       Dual mode: “flashing” and “steady”
-       Waterproof up to 300 feet
-       Simple twist on/off operation
-       Omnidirectional light (be seen from all sides with our unique optics)

Firefly Belt
-       durable construction
-       provides 360 degrees of visibility
-       lightweight
-       one size fits all

How it works –

Did you know that it takes a driver over 600 feet to react to obstacles at night? 

Firefly Ankle
-       durable construction
-       360 degrees of visibility
-       one size fits all
-       comfortable elastic bands

Do you want to add some safety gear to your running attire?  RoadID has graciously offered an eCard for RoadID for one lucky winner. 

What do you have to do?  First, read through the official rules.  

Official Rules
  1. By entering your name below, you are agreeing to the official rules. 
  2. No purchase is necessary to enter this giveaway.
  3. Giveaway will start today 12/11/11 and close on 12/16/11 at midnight.   Void where prohibited by law. 
  4. What you win – an eCard to use toward your RoadID purchase. 
  5. The odds of winning will be determined by the number of eligible entries received. 
  6. The winner will be selected on 12/17/11 by using Random.org.  A screen shot will be taken of the random entry chosen as well as a screen shot of the winner’s comment and will be posted on this blog on 12/17/11. 
  7. The winner will have 72 hours to respond via email to runningwiththegirls AT gmail.com.  If the original winner does not respond within that time period, a new winner will be chosen using the same procedure listed above.
  8. RoadID is the sponsor of this giveaway.  Contact information is here. http://www.roadid.com/Common/default.aspx

Now how to enter
  1. You must be a follower of this blog by using GFC.  Comment below. 
  2. Respond to the  following prompt:  Are you a night runner?  What gear helps you get through a dark run?  What tips do you have?  Comment below.
Additional entries (can only be counted IF you've done both mandatory entries!):
3.  You can “like” RoadID on fb and/or follow RoadID on twitter.  1 comment each.
4.  Share - tweet, facebook, post on your blog.  1 comment each.


  1. OK - I think I did everything I needed to for the contest!

  2. I'm not a night runner (yet!) mostly because i'm too scared to run in the dark around my apartment! I do run in the morning as the sun is coming up and I always have to have my phone with me

  3. My husband and I are night runners, we try to wear lighter clothing at least. We also have a headlamp and an led armband that we wear. We need to work on the ID though.

  4. I posted about the giveaway on my blog's Facebook page!

  5. I run in the dark. I use knuckle lights, firefly, reflective gear and a headlamp.

  6. You are so cute and you know I follow you!

  7. Morning runner (yup, it's dark.)

    I use reflective arm sleeves, a head lamp, and flashing red light similar to the Firefly, but it is actually meant to attach to my dogs' collars!

    Definitely wear lighter clothing to be more visible!

  8. Don't enter me, I already have an love my Road ID... just wanted to say that I think you must be very visible in all your reflective gear and your headlamp, too.

    Just want to commend you for taking the time and spending the money on your safety. I see too many runners and bikers in my neighborhood in the dark... I mean I ALMOST see them!

    Good for you!

  9. I'm usually a night runner--but since it's so cold (by my standards) here in Colorado and a lot of the streets aren't lit...I've been running on the treadmill. I usually carry a flashlight and wear my new reflective SPIbelt when I have been running late at night.

  10. I'm following RoadID on twitter

  11. I posted the giveaway on my blog

  12. GLOW baby glow :-) Safety is SO important and the sooner you get seen the better.

  13. rarely a night runner, but this would make me more of a night runner. There are no street lights where I run, I would need to be highly visible

  14. I am a night runner. I have reflective gear and lights, but I find what really keeps me going and adds to safety is running with a group! That has really kept me going during the cold, dark, winter months.

  15. Your comments to me have made me change my mind and decide to enter. My husband should have a Road ID too!

    I do follow you, certainly!

    I am not a night runner but there are many in my neighborhood who are not visible enough. I think the more reflective tape and lights you wear the better!

  16. I shared your post on FB
    Eat Run Sail

  17. I linked your post to my blog sidebar.

  18. I'm now following you (though your text is kinda hard to read). :)

  19. I'm *kinda* a night runner, though in the winter I tend to stick to the treadmill more. I have a Nathan reflective vest and a simple headlamp. I should probably get some additional reflective gear at some point.

  20. I'm now following RoadID on Twitter. @ClarindaDodson

  21. I posted a link to my blog's sidebar. www.clarindas.blogspot.com

  22. I am a follower. I do not run at night but would like to try...I am admit I am scared to.

  23. I run in the early morning to. i WEAR A HEADLIGHT AND REFLECTIVE VEST AND REFLECTIVE CLOTHES. I to am afraid of the dark. I always have my cell phone with me.


  25. I run at night after work - I try to wear light colored clothes and run where there are street lights but I really need yor giveaway,

  26. I posted your giveaway on my blog

  27. I would love to be a night runner but have always been afraid of getting mowed down by a car even if I'm on the sidewalk.

  28. I'm not a night runner, but I do try to go early in the morning when the sun just isn't bright enough to be safe. I run with a bright yellow top, but that's about it.

  29. New follower after finding you through one of the other HBBC folks' FB page. I really want some Road ID gear. Just trying to fit it all in the budget!

  30. Are you a night runner? Sometimes I am because this time of year there isn't much choice.

    What gear helps you get through a dark run? Right now I don't have much although I've been looking at some Saucony Vizipro pink stuff that is tempting, but not currently in the budget. Mostly I stay on sidewalks near streetlights for now and don't go far.

    What tips do you have? Run with a friend when you can. That is mostly when I go in the dark right now.

  31. I love my roadid shoe tag and wear it for all my runs! I don't run at night because I don't have the right gear and i don't feel safe without it. Following you on gfc. Following roadid on twitter. Tweeted about the giveaway!

  32. I sometimes run at night and currently have a headlamp that puts out hardly any light and a reflective vest. I get a little creeped out running at night where I live because of the animals that might be spying on me and following me! Probably wouldn't ever happen, but it scares me!!

  33. I run at app. 4:30am most mornings and always wear a light-colored top, a Brooks neon running vest, my RoadID, and a blinking red strobe headband. As a car commuter, I can't believe how many runners run in the dark in dark clothing and no reflective gear! I'm always on the hunt for better night time running gear!

  34. I follow RoadID on Twitter, too!

  35. I'm not usually a night runner, but I am often an early morning runner, so I still run when it's dark.

    When I started, I actually dressed in all black with nothing reflective but my shoes. *cringe* Yeah, that was bad. Now, I wear a headlamp, and reflective bands.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I am a follower. Not really a night runner but a dark runner. I run in the morning. I wear reflective clothes. I also have a reflective arm band that lights up. I really need more gear to be safer. Also I run with only one ear-bud in to be more aware. I am thinking about the knuckle lights.

  38. I'm a morning runner, which this time of year means DARK. I use a headlamp but would love those wrist/ankle wraps!

  39. I linked up your giveaway in the sidebar of my blog.

  40. I am an early morning runner - so in the winter months, I run in the pitch black! Would love to win this giveaway!!

  41. Yeah, I'm a night/early morning runner. I hate the vests, too. They always fall off my shoulders. I have a great Brooks Nightlife shirt that has lots of reflectivity. I just wear it on top of whatever else I'm wearing. I have a headlamp, and I think I'm gonna use your idea of putting one of my firefly lights on it!


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